Posts tagged qos in networking
Quality of Service (QoS): Sales Engineer Perspective

How do you develop a QoS policy? Where do you start? What are the best practices for implementing QoS in the real world?  🤔

I answer these questions and more in this video:

  1. I show you step-by-step how to develop a QoS policy and implement QoS in the real world.

  2. I provide a high-level overview of QoS tools and techniques.

  3. I bring it all together by showing you a best-practice end-to-end QoS design.

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What is Quality of Service (QoS) in Computer Networks?

Do you know how much one-way network delay can a voice packet handle before your voice gets garbled on the other end? 🤔

The answer is Quality of Service or QoS. In this video, I show you how QoS impacts the way traffic is treated within your network. Real-time traffic such as voice & video is sensitive to delay, jitter & packet loss. To ensure your next Zoom meeting goes well, voice & video traffic must get the highest priority on your network. That's where QoS comes in. By adhering to the best practice Voice & Video QoS SLAs or Service Level Agreements, you can protect the most precious traffic on your network. 🤓

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