IT Certification vs. Degree? | How to Boost Your IT Career | Part 2 of 2

Are you at the crossroads in life, looking to go to COLLEGE or START a NEW CAREER? Have you ever wondered how much it costs to go to Stanford University or MIT? 🤔

If so, this video is a GAME CHANGER 🔥🔥🔥. It's a finale in the two-part series, and I saved the best for last ;)

In this video, I CRUNCH NUMBERS and show you how much it costs to get a college degree vs. IT certification. I also give you PRO TIPS that will save you TIME and MONEY ⏰💰

Having been a Network Engineer for over 18 years and an IT Instructor for over a decade, my sincere hope is that you get to make the best possible decision for your future. 🔮